Press Releases since August 1995
- 4/1497: Suburban Communities Select Innovative Transit Projects
- 4/1/97: Subaru carpool for you?
- 3/27/97: Tri-Met Proposes $9
Million in Service Increases for Next Year
- 3/11/97: PSU Transportation
Researchers look at Internet
- 3/04/97: Take Tri-Met to the
- 3/04/97: Tri-Met seeks part-time bus
- 2/07/97: Tri-Met Ridership Soars: People with disabilities
ride Tri-Met in record number on ADA deadline
- 2/04/97: Citizens help guide Tri-Met
security: a new citizens advisory committee will help guide Tri-Met
security beginning this week
- 1/31/97: Late night traffic detours
to install Hwy 26 pedestrian bridge
- 1/16/97: Citizen committee recommends
innovative suburban transit ideas to preserve livability where 70% of
future growth will occur
- 12/12/96: Tri-Met brightens holidays
with free airport shuttles, rides New Year's Eve
- 12/6/96: Free Tri-Met holiday
shuttles to PDX
- 12/6/96: Tri-Met OKs smaller
buses, improvements for King City
- 12/6/96: Night Stop is back
- 12/6/96: Tri-Met improves ticket
vending machines
- 8/6/96: MAX's 10th
Birthday Kid's Creative Contest
- 8/5/96: Fee begins for Gresham Park
& Ride garage
- 7/26/96: Tri-Met ridership hits
record high
- 7/17/96: Tri-Met
Park & Ride opens in Tigard
- 7/16/96: Gresham
Park & Ride garage open for business
- 7/11/96: Get Ready for
Air Quality Alerts
- 7/11/96: Tri-Met airshow service
- 6/27/96: Prescription for traffic congestion
- 6/11/96: Kruse Way Shuttle Called off
- 6/11/96: Tri-Met Executive Director resigns to
pursue other opportunities
- 6/4/96: Traveling to the Grand Floral Parade?
- 6/4/96: Tri-Met begins service to River Place
- 6/4/96: Tri-Met bargain continues for PSU
- 5/30/96: Take Tri-Met to the Starlight Parade
- 5/16/96: Bike event will cause some Tri-Met
bus detours, delays
- 5/16/96: Tri-Met thanks organizations for donating parking spaces, making it
easier to park the car and ride the bus or MAX
- 5/9/96: Tri-Met Increases Security
- 4/9/96: Riding MAX, buses easier for non-English
speaking customers
- 4/3/96: Minor MAX delays
- 4/1/96: 3.2 million more rides on Tri-Met
- 3/28/96: Tri-Met Helps Keep Field Trips an Option for School Kids
- 3/13/96: Tri-Met Service Increases in FY97 Budget
- 2/28/96: Westside Light Rail on Budget
- 2/27/96: AmeriCorps Rider Advocates
- 2/26/96: Check received for Light Rail Construction
- 2/13/96: Shuttle buses set for MAX customers
- 2/26/96: Check received for Light Rail Construction
- 2/13/96: Shuttle buses set for MAX customers
- 1/18/96: Elmonica Maintenance Facility Dedication
- 12/29/95: Tunnel Hole Through!
- 12/29/95: New Year's Eve Service
- 12/15/95: Free Tri-Met shuttles to PDX start December 20
- 12/01/95: Tri-Met expands bus service in Happy Valley, Sunnyside
- 11/22/95: Tri-Met serves downtown shoppers, merchants, neighbors
- 11/21/95: Free Tri-Met shuttles to PDX start November 21
- 10/16/95: Thousands Found that MAX Gets you
Closer: MAX ridership nearly doubles as spectators took Tri-Met to the Rose Garden opening
- 10/12/95: Construction Closes Turn Lanes on
Burnside at 102nd
- 10/2/95: Ten Percent
Jump in Summer Sales
- 9/29/95: Parking and riding Tri-Met
gets easier in Gateway
- 9/25/95: Explore Tri-Met's
Worldwide Transit Station
- 9/19/95: Tri-Met's Class Pass Offers
Affordable Field Trips for Students, Educators
- 8/31/95: Tri-Met Promotes Development
Around Light Rail Stations
- 8/29/95: Two Downtown MAX Stations
Close for Improvements
- 8/28/95: Tri-Met Announces New Bus
Routes, Improvements
- 8/23/95: Westside Light Rail
Project to Finish Within Budget
- 8/21/95: Marquam Hill Traffic,
Parking Solution Announced
- 8/16/95: Bicyclists Peddle to
New Tri-Met Record
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