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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by TriMet transit in the rose city...maybe even Rose City Transit

TriMet events

Bus bridges, dedications, meetings, and other one-time-only things

2/7 MAX shutdown: MAX was shut down through downtown Portland in order to connect the electrical system for the new Portland Mall light rail tracks February 7, 2009 (41 photos)

4/4 MAX bus bridge: At Gateway Transit Center for MAX Green Line tie-in (66 photos)

5/19 MAX disruption: MAX Light Rail was shut down through downtown and on the Yellow Line on May 19 after a mistake was made in lifting the Steel Bridge, damaging trains and the overhead wires (55 photos)

TriMet board meeting: January 28, 2009 Board of Directors meeting (35 photos)

Hollywood bus bridge: MAX Light Rail was shut down along the Banfield for track replacement (15 photos)

LnC Ride TriMet Day: Lewis & Clark College campaign to save service on Line 39 (19 photos)

TriMet public hearings: Regarding Fall 2008 service cuts (15 photos)

Rosa Parks dedication: Renaming ceremony for the Portland Blvd. MAX station, February 4, 2009 (7 photos)

Rose Quarter changes: Adding a bike lane through the Rose Quarter Transit Center (13 photos)

Steel bus Bridge: MAX shuttles and other changes to TriMet service while the Steel Bridge was closed For actual construction, see Steel Bridge work (77 photos)

WES grand opening: January 30, 2009 (111 photos)

WES preview ride: Westside Express Service commuter rail ride, January 23, 2009 (64 photos)

WES Week ride: (30 photos)

By Jason McHuff,